MyBnk, together with several providers of financial education for young people, have expressed concerns over potential changes to how Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is taught in English schools.
In a letter to the Minister of State for Schools Nick Gibb, members of the Youth Financial Capability Group (YFCG) outlined several risks and opportunities if the subjects status were to be altered.
The YFCG is concerned that an option being considered is to narrow the scope of PSHE, potentially excluding financial education at the expense of other ‘life skills’ topics.
Conversely, there is also an opportunity to accelerate the provision of effective financial education for all young people by choosing to legislate statutory PSHE for all primary and secondary schools.
Read the full letter, here.
In addition, research conducted on behalf of MyBnk and global bank MUFG found that parents in the UK do not believe schools do enough to equip pupils with personal finance skills.
About the YFCG
Collectively, the YFCG designs and delivers workshops; create and quality mark resources; train teachers and youth workers; set study plans and examinations; research, seek and evidence impact; and collaborate to achieve the best possible outcomes for young people.
Contact to find out more.