2 x 100 minute sessions 1 week apart

Target Group
16-25 year olds

Group Size
12-30 young people
Our experts give young people the practical experience of running their own social enterprise by teaching them how to sell exclusive ethical products in their community. They work as a team, gain presentation, customer service and communication skills and learn how to identify their target audience, advertise, price, monitor cash flow and plan ahead.
The programme is split into two phases:
- Session 1: We introduce the concept of social enterprise and get participants to practice pitching and selling. In teams, they identify a target audience, form a business plan, set prices, analyse risk and rewards using SWOT analysis. There is a focus on teamwork and identifying different roles and responsibilities involved in planning and executing their project over the next week.
- Session 2: Participants present the results of their project and share experiences and what they have learned over the week. They are encouraged to reflect and identify the skills they have used. With 14+/KS4 we explore employability and consider how the skills they have gained can be used in various work based environments.

This enterprise education challenge is suited to a range of young people. Age and knowledge base will determine the depth of detail we go in to. The programme links to various Enterprise modules in the Business Studies curriculum at GCSE level.

MyBnk Cancellation Policy: Cancellations and changes made to scheduled deliveries incur costs to MyBnk. Any changes made less than two weeks in advance will result in a £100 or, if less than three working days, £250 charge per MyBnk trainer. Full Terms & Conditions here.

Impact After Our Programmes
Increase in those being able to create a profit forecast
Profits made from average £19 MyBnk enterprise loan
Increase in those understanding what social enterprise is