Online Money Twist – Years 7-9

A free online financial education programme for 11-14 year olds


2 x 60-minute sessions – videos, quizzes and interactive activities

Target Group

11-14 year olds – S1-2 in Scotland

Group Size


Information Sheet PDF



An interactive financial education programme that brings money to life for 11-14 year olds whilst setting positive money habits.

This independent learning course helps young people explore their relationship with money and the consequences of what we do with it. It can be introduced to children by parents or incorporated into teachers’ adapted curriculum.

Involving videos, games and quizzes, Online Money Twist shows young people how we earn, save, spend and budget.

Sessions cover:

  • Session 1 – Discovering what motivates people to spend money, the impact that advertising, peer and media pressure, and shopping deals can have and the costs and benefits of different products.

  • Session 2 – Learning how to differentiate our needs and wants and budget, the benefits of saving and the National Minimum Wage.

    Pupils watch MyBnk videos and follow guidance in order to complete independent activities.

These sessions are designed around the framework of: Best Deal, Best Feel and Best 4U and involves maths, critical thinking and reasoning.

Online Money Twist complements our Key Stage 3 classroom programme, a series of sessions delivered in school by MyBnk trainers.

We also offer an online Years 1-2*  parent / teacher-led programme and Years 3-6** child-led sessions.

*P1-2 **P4-6 in Scotland

Case Studies

From opening a first bank account and trading in real markets, to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops pack a BIG punch!

"It makes maths real!" Improving teens numeracy skills by understanding investment

“My Mind Has Been Blown!" - Shannon, 8, opens her first bank account and starts her savings journey

"Learning to live independently taught me I had worth" Leaving care and dodging bankruptcy

Impact After Our Programmes


Of pupils who would not delay gratification, now would


Of pupils are now pursuing a savings goal


Of teachers said pupils now know financial decisions have consequences