The 12th August marks the UN’s International Youth Day, celebrating youth worldwide and drawing attention to the barriers they face.
The theme for 2022 is ‘Intergenerational Solidarity’, so we asked MyBnk staff, funders and young people what they would tell their younger selves about money.
“I’d tell my 18 year old self – I’m young and fit, so I can make some decent money working shifts or night work so I have the money to choose what I want to do. And I’d tell my young working self that I need to invest a little, as well as living in the moment.” – Guy, CEO, MyBnk.
“I would tell myself that money means choice. If you can save as much money as possible, you’ll have a choice about where you work, you’ll have a choice about your friends and the people you’ll hang around with. So the next time you think those trainers are absolutely necessary for life, just think about it first, and think about the fact – if you don’t have a choice and you have to work somewhere horrible, or if you don’t have a choice about the friends you hang around with, that’s when you’ll regret buying those trainers.” – Director, Compare the Market.
“I would tell my 7 or 8 year old self to save more money for the future. When I was younger I didn’t save anything – I just spent my money.” – The Money House participant.
“I’d tell my younger self to let go of the generational myths about money and open up your knowledge on the difference between assets vs liabilities.” The real liability is not being open to the endless opportunities.” – Lisa, Programmes Coordinator, MyBnk.
“The harder it is to earn your money, the more pleasure there is in spending it: pay what you need to, save half of what’s left, and enjoy the rest, but make sure you use it to make yourself smile. If spending it on others does this, then great, but never do this if it doesn’t bring you joy. Remember that one man’s pound is another man’s million: never compare your money to someone else’s. I know many people who have a lot of money but are unfulfilled, and many who have barely anything who are some of the most content I have ever known.” – Chris, Education Officer, MyBnk.
“One of the things I would tell my younger self about money is to enjoy life but always make sure you’re spending at least a small amount of money on self growth and investing in yourself. I say that again to my sister who’s in that phase of life at the moment.” – Sajal, Product Analyst, PIMCO.
“I would tell myself to not base money off what people wear, what they show or what you see. I think when you’re younger and you see someone has a really nice watch or car, you think they’re doing well for themselves. But actually a lot of people put on a facade and what they show isn’t always how they feel. A lot of people have money troubles which you don’t always see until you get older, so don’t always focus on the material things.” – Chloe, Senior Associate, PIMCO.
“I would remind my older self to be careful and not spend money on things they don’t actually need” – Claudia, aged 9.
For more money tips, tools and resources for young people, visit our youth zone.