A round up of 2022, thank you and festive message from MyBnk CEO, Guy Rigden.

I would like to say thank you for your continued support and commitment in helping us shape a financially capable generation of young people.

The cost-of-living crisis impacts all: children at school hear the news and feel the strain on their parents and carers, and young adults face more pressure to make better money choices. In 2022 our team delivered financial education workshops and programmes to more than 20,000 young people, building confidence, skills and knowledge to help them help themselves.

Whether by supporting our experts to directly deliver, shaping research, attending events or joining with us for systemic change, your help is vital, and we look forward to working with you again in 2023.

2022 Highlights

The launch of our new Money House in Scotland

  • The Money House launch in Scotland and the Midlands – We held a traditional first-footing event to celebrate the opening of The Money House in Glasgow. This programme offers young people in or about to transition into independent living guidance on financial topics, from banking to tenancy agreements, to help prevent youth homelessness. We also opened a Money House in Birmingham and we’re looking forward to officially launching MyBnk Midlands in early 2023 and hopefully expanding into more areas in the UK.
  • Care Leavers Report – We published new research on the financial education provided to care leavers by local authorities and held a virtual launch event. We found that over half of the care leavers we interviewed felt anxious about money and a large proportion wanted more help managing their money.
  • Financial Freedom Campaign Launch – We launched a new campaign to tackle the taboo around money and debt issues and build financial confidence by delivering practical financial education to over 250,000 children, in their schools and homes. Money habits start from age 7 and teaching children and young people money management skills can relieve or avoid future money worries and stress, creating a generation of financially free individuals.
  • Global Money Week and Talk Money Week – the theme for Global Money Week last March was ‘build your future, be smart about money’ encouraging people to manage their money wisely. Current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, joined a year 6 class in Richmond Yorks for one of our Money Twist sessions, teaching children to become informed consumers, savvy savers and mindful spenders. Talk Money Week this November encouraged us all to have open conversations about managing money, from pocket money to pensions. We posted free resources on our website for children of school age to get them talking about money.
  • Formation of the EDI committee – following our work to become an actively anti-racist organisation, we established an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. We aim to create an environment where staff and young people feel safe, understood and included.
  • MyBnk TikTok and My Moneycast – We are now active on TikTok to reach more young people directly, offering money management tips and MyBnk updates on the go. We also just released a winter special of our online webcast for young adults, sponsored by SGN.

Finally, we’d like to wish you all a restful Festive Period and a very Happy New Year. We hope to see you again in 2023.

If you would like to book a session for your school or youth organisation, visit our programmes page or for more information contact info@mybnk.org.

Team MyBnk
