Matt, 18, zero hour contract: “MyBnk changed my life”

Written by , November 21, 2016

  Young people at Queens Park Rangers FC became money maestros after our financial education...



Young people at Queens Park Rangers FC became money maestros after our financial education intervention workshops.

Our experts armed local teenagers on the Premier League Works project with budgeting, saving and safe borrowing skills so they can they can take control of their lives and make informed decisions for their futures.

Participant, Matt, 18:

“MyBnk has definitely changed my life, I really do have a different view on money and priorities. I wasn’t as confident in understanding money and was structuring my finances in a way that wasn’t was practical. Now I really feel clued up and ready to put what I’ve learnt into practice. I have learnt how to read bills, bank statements and payslips, and discover what’s important. I’m on a zero hours contract and I wasn’t sure what my entitlements were. They gave me the best advice and taught me how to manage my finances in a way that will help me in my work to become a football coach.”


The ‘Money Works’ project, supported by the John Lyons Charity, is helping thousands of young people in London’s poorest areas.

Jack Kelley, Education & Employability Officer, QPR:

“The young people here certainly believe in themselves now.  Most of them come from difficult situations and I saw a dramatic change in the more challenging individuals. They were surprised with what they had learned. This kind of work is definitely needed, I even learnt a thing or two!”

 Guy Rigden, CEO MyBnk:

“Our advice to parents, ask your child’s school or youth group what they are doing to boost financial literacy and start talking about money at home. Together we can ensure young people dodge debt and avoid the mistakes of the past.


If you would like us to bring our financial capability and enterprise workshops to your young people, contact or if you are interested in supporting our mission, contact for more information.
