Case Studies

From opening a first bank account and trading in real markets, to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops and enterprise experiences pack a BIG punch!

'Small habits cost big'' - Leaving care

TMH Westminster - Christine, 21

Christine, a 21-year-old care experienced student, shares how our youth homelessness prevention scheme helped put her on a path to independence.

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"Now I can prove I know what I’m doing" - Certifiable

Virtual Money House - Matthew, 19, Cuba, 18

31% of UK care leavers have no qualifications. Virtual Money House graduates receive a Level 1 ABC award in Money Management.


“Now I know where to go for what I need” – Seeking help

Virtual Money Works - Aberdeen City Council, Jason, 24, Renee, 21

Nearly 50% of 16-25 year olds say they do not seek any guidance when making financial decisions. Virtual Money Works helps young people directly confront their money worries.


"TMH is kind of easing me into it, making me confident" - Becoming Independent

The Money House Greenwich, Emily, 18

The Money House (TMH) helps young people in, or about to move into housing, manage their money and remain independent.


“It’s given me the confidence to go out and speak to people"

EIB - Go! Youth Trust, Falkirk, Leon, 18 and Angus, 17

Record numbers of young people are starting businesses, yet fewer than 4% go on to create a company that pays a wage or makes a profit. Enterprise-in-a-Box gives young people experience of running their own social enterprise.


“It highlighted the importance of not just seeing the money in front of you” – Planning ahead

Money Works - Groundwork Warrington, Jamie, 21

69% of young UK adults have financial goals but most don’t have a plan. Money Works helps young people plan for their long-term futures.


“The thought of living on my own is scary. This changed my attitude to money” – Making Moves.

Money Works - QPR, Jade, 17

Around half of young adults regularly worry about money. This is Money Works - survival money management.


"They don’t teach you this at school. It’s not common knowledge" - Fighting Debt

Money Works - Community Central Hall, Glasgow - Miriam, 18

18-24 year olds have average unsecured debts of £1,460 and are the UK’s fastest growing group of debtors. We caught up with Miriam who did Money Works in Scotland.


"I realise there are things I should be doing and doing better” - Opening minds

The Money House - Newham - Florent, 18 & Jamiyla, 25

We help two young care leavers in debt, with rent arrears and problems with benefits and budgeting


"Learning to live independently taught me I had worth" - 11 months after our intervention...

Money Works - Bridging the Gap/Barnet Leaving Care - Amia, 23

87% of care leavers say they can’t manage money. We catch up with Amia 11 months after our intervention and find out how we have helped her and her leaving care team

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