Case Studies

From opening a first bank account to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops pack a BIG punch!

“Before I met MyBnk, money was just something I spent" - Long Term Case Study

Money Twist - Prendergast Vale School - Noura, 12

Six months after our experts’ intervention, see how we helped young people develop a savings habit, change their attitudes to spending and examine the desire for instant gratification.

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"I feel confident turning my ideas into reality and selling products" - Doing it for real

Business Battle - Barnet Council - Rafe, 13

“Shhhh, I’m on the phone to the suppliers, we won’t sound pro!” See how we turned teens into traders in one week.

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"They helped me understand our rights and how to save" - Connecting the dots

Money Twist - Sholing Tech. College - Johnny, 14 & Jenny, 11

Understanding employment rights and becoming a savvy shopper. We start them young and bring money to life with our Money Twist workshop!

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"We showed our teachers we are hungry to be successful" - Turning young people onto socent

Enterprise-in-a-Box - Forest Hill School - T.Jones, 15

Fewer young people are considering starting their own enterprise. Our social enterprise challenge sees young people get the business bug by doing it for real!

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“Today, someone is coming in to talk to you about money" - Bringing it to life

Money Twist - George Mitchell Secondary School - Afeet, 11

80% of pupils want financial education lessons to be more interactive. Afeet, like many in his class, has never learnt about money in school. He recognises terms but struggles when probed on their meaning or application.

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"It's given me an insight of what it’ll be like on my own" - Long Term Case Study

Uni Dosh - Bishop Grant Thomas School - Frederick, 17

Like thousands of students, Frederick is concerned about getting into debt at university. We also caught up with him a year later to see how his personal finances have changed.

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"Saving's the last thing on my mind..." - Pensions and saving

Sporty Money Twist - Essex Boy's & Girls Club - Georgina, 16

18-25 year olds in the UK think they will retire with savings of £95,000, despite around three fifths not even starting to put money towards their pension yet.

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"I really underestimated the planning that goes into making something successful" - Enterprise

Business Battle - XLP - Emmanuel, 19

MyBnk helped young people at XLP gain valuable enterprise and leadership skills going from drawingboard to marketplace in just four days.

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“ I don’t have a bank so I feel tempted to spend it" - How do I choose the right one for me?

Money Twist - La Retraite Catholic School for Girls,- Sasika, 13

Savings are at a 40 year low and truncated interest rates offer little incentives for young people to stash their cash - this is where MyBnk steps in.

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"This project burst open a bubble for me!" - Boosting confidence using social enterprise

Enterprise-in-a-Box - Kids Company - Sharlene, 24

Whilst Sharlene had experience working with others, she was quick to admit she lacked vital communication skills, this project was going to take her out of her “comfort zone”.

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