Virtual Money Works

A live interactive financial education and digital skills programme for
young adults moving into independent living

Independently Assessed


2 X 4.5 hours or 4 X 2 hours and 15 minutes

Target Group

16-25 year olds

Group Size

3-10 young people

Information Sheet PDF



Young people living on their own, or about to, are often in need of survival money management skills and actions they can implement immediately.

Online and in real-time, these live, secure and expert-led virtual lessons help them directly confront their money worries.

Sessions cover:

  • Budgeting and Household Costs: Attitudes towards money, needs & wants, cutting back, budgeting, reading bills and household costs.
  • Your Income: Sources of income, wage slips, tax & NI, benefits, Universal Credit and sanctions.
  • Banking and Being Informed: How banks work, savings and current accounts, interest, forms of payment and choosing an account.
  • Borrowing and Debt: Forms of borrowing, credit history, debt consequences and prioritisation.

A direct in-person and online version is also available.

Virtual Money Works has a strong focus on embedding digital skills. By delivering online, we increase young people’s access to and use of digital tools to manage their money. Their increased confidence and new abilities help motivate them to make practical financial decisions and plan for their future.

Other topics cover: finding information, shopping around, accessing financial services, checking credit scores and online banking. Virtual Money Works maps into a range of accredited life skills, money management and employability certificates.

Young people attending the programme can also qualify for a Level 1 Personal Money Management accreditation – and in Scotland an SQA Level 4 Unit Award.

MyBnk - Finanical Education - Funded Sessions

Case Studies

From opening a first bank account and trading in real markets, to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops pack a BIG punch!

"It makes maths real!" Improving teens numeracy skills by understanding investment

“My Mind Has Been Blown!" - Shannon, 8, opens her first bank account and starts her savings journey

"Learning to live independently taught me I had worth" Leaving care and dodging bankruptcy

Impact After This Programme


Drop in average debts


Increase in regular saving


Increase in life satisfaction

Education Team

"The more you LEARN the more you EARN".

Laura Ellis

Area Manager- South and Wales

Facilitation Team