Case Studies

From opening a first bank account and trading in real markets, to moving out of care and into independent living, MyBnk’s financial education workshops and enterprise experiences pack a BIG punch!

"We've learnt a hell of a lot!" - Putting money into context

Money Works - Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service

From APR and debt to saving and benefits, many young people may recognise the terms, but not necessarily, the definitions.

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"When you get older, life changes rapidly" - Helping young people keep their first home

The Money House - Tameera, 20

When Tameera turned 18 her dad stopped supporting her financially. Now 20, she has had to learn fast how to live on her own.

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"This will help me help realise my dreams" - Saving today, for tomorrow

Money Works - Palace for Life Foundation - Andy, 16

Young people in the UK are struggling to save. See how we helped Andy take control of his spending.

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"I'd probably got kicked out in a few months" - Preventing youth homelessness

The Money House, Newham - Hawa, 20

Hawa is leaving the care system and about to move into her first home. There is a one in three chance she will lose it - The Money House is here to beat those odds.

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"I don’t have much, this was something I desperately needed"- Detoxifying money

Money Works - Bexley Leaving Care - Ling & Tarik, 18.

Almost half of local authorities in England fail to offer care leavers financial education support. These teenagers are about to move out on their own.

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"I'm getting them on this course!" - 'Taking a chance' at The Money House

The Money House, Greenwich - Chanel, 19

19-year-old single mum, Chanel, shares how our youth homelessness prevention project helped her take control of her finances, and her future.

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“MyBnk changed my life” - Giving young people skills and belief

Money Works - Queens Park Rangers FC – Matt, 18

For young people on zero-hour contracts, the unpredictability of income means their margins are much thinner.

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Zero in the bank and borrowing from friends

Money Works - Haringey Leaving Care - Tayo, 17 & Sharon, 19

See how our experts helped young single mothers and care leavers get on top of their finances and become digitally literate.

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A distrust of banks, a struggle to save - Long term case study

Money Works - Spurs Foundation - Javed, 17

A young care leaver gains the skills knowledge and confidence to start saving for the first time. We catch up with him six months later.

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“I’ve pawned my iPad for loans and haven't a clue how much I've to repay - Bills

Money Twist - Hounslow Leaving Care - Julie, 18

Just four months since leaving care, single mother Julie is living on her own for the first time. She is already in debt....

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